Sometimes its not. But with a family of 6 at least its usually something.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
right now
New Year...New Like-ings
The Color Yellow (who would've guessed?!)
Everyone should try this place, or come visit me and I'll take you there..yummy!!
Not just any lemons, fresh ones straight off the tree from CA, Thanks A. Marian!!
Especially in water
Emma loves them too!
My Overland Donnor bag (thanks sarah for that one!)
Postal pick up at your door
Lubriderm Lotion - W/ premium Oat extract
Aveda anything rocks but this year I discovered the Tourmaline charged protecting face lotion
and the Aveda Oil burner
Dove Dark Chocolates
Tea Source - Minnesota Rouser
I am sure there is more but its been a long year. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
question for the moment
And as an Auntie of mine once said, We're either very dirty, or very clean.
Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thanksgiving Day

Christmas tradition

Our new found christmas tradition began last year, we vow to do it every year. To travel up to the mountains and cut down our very own Christmas tree! However, this will be the last year we have our 4 wheel drive to travel the rocky snow packed road. (we left Dylan with memaw, it was too cold for a little guy). But next year with 4 kids in tow it looks like we'll be packing 2 sleds and investing in chains for the van. Oh and the doll of a girl in purple isn't one of our's in case I start confusing people. I know its hard to keep up with us and our multiplying family.
Baby hidding
I wonder exactly where she was thinking I would hide him?
one month
sadly missing
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Adam and Eve
Brennon has a bright blue bag with birthday candy from a fellow classmate. Once in the car he claims, not asks, but claims he is going to eat it all up and share just one piece with Emma. Mommy explains that the candy needs to wait until after we are home and have eaten some lunch.
We arrive home Emma and Brennon head to their usual spot, the step, to wait for mommy while I unbuckle 2 more children from the car and gather all the loose papers and sippy cups that seem to multiply all over.
When arriving to the door I see chocolaty grins from both older children and immediately Brennon points to Emma and says
"Emma said we could eat them"
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Emma's Lot
The very first day we brought Brennon home from the hospital she was standing on the changing table looking at him and sure enough he peed, had she not had glasses it would have gotten her right in the eye. Of course being so little she freaked out, screamed and well, it was an amazing scene.
Today while changing Dylan, Emma was gazing at him lovingly when he proceeded to take aim and sure enough right in the face again, this time more the forehead then anything. Fortunately this story ends up with Emma and mommy laughing as Emma washed her face and mommy washed everything else.
My letter
I know without question that you have placed me on your naughty list. I know this because well, I spent most of this year pregnant. And honestly, we both know that during pregnancy I am not a very kind person. I am sure the rude man at wal-mart has already written you a letter describing my misbehavior to him. But in my defense I would like to remind you that you, being a man, have no clue what its like to be so fat you can't see your feet, okay never mind, you do get that one. But at least you have normal feet that fit nicely into your shiny black boots. Mine were so swollen I couldn't bend them at the ankles and my only shoe option was a pair of sandals and even those didn't always fit the puffy over sized flesh that I had to claim. We also both know, since you claim to watch us when were sleeping, that towards the end of my 9 month sentence I wasn't getting much sleep. Even the makers of Zantac, bless there souls, couldn't ease the heartburn that would keep me in an upright position during those dark hours of quiet while everyone else around me slept. This alone causing me to become a very bitter woman, I value my sleep Santa. So perhaps this year we can overlook the past 9 months of my misery. I promise to be well behaved for the rest of this year. Okay I will promise to try, I am still not getting a lot of sleep you know. But maybe, just maybe since your such a jolly good man, you can grant me one request? Santa, would you please get my husband a vasectomy for christmas this year?
Friday, November 9, 2007
1 week old

Well, officially today he is 10 days old but since I didn't have time the other day to put it up, here is little boy at a week. I would also like to add that the other night after a 2 am feeding session my little boy giggled. Yes, he did! and he is smiling. I know they say its gas but I argue that. The giggle wasn't a complete baby or little kid giggle, think dumb jock kind of grunt giggle.
The Female Body
Thursday, November 8, 2007
so which is it?
"did I what?"
"Did you bite him, or chew him?"
"oh, to get in my tummy?"
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Now Introducing...
Dylan Che Nelson
October 30, 2007
2:04 am
8 lbs 4 oz
21 1/2 inches
We went into the hospital at around 9:30 am on monday with contractions about 5 minutes apart and as is usual for me once we stepped foot inside, everything stopped. We almost decided to go home but since his heartbeat kept dropping they made us stay and finally after a very long day little man decided to arrive. So far we are all doing well and adjusting to a 4th member of our family. Yup, our minivan is officially full.
Friday, October 19, 2007
She's the big 2 now!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Baby Belly
Frog Catching
Brennons Turn

Monday, August 27, 2007
He likes to sneak out of his room during nap times and find other things to do...Like switching out my laundry, playing in my bedroom, playing in the bathroom, which includes toilet paper castles and dumping hand soap out of the container and filling it with the clear soap from the faucet, (he is just trying to be helpful). Since he is downstairs I don't always hear him and his mischievous ways. However, I can't help but crack a smile when I see him sneak upstairs and hide behind a chair. I do however let him stay there for awhile pretending like I don't see him. It keeps things quiet around here for a little while longer.
Today however, after returning home from picking emma up from school I didn't realize that my purse was missing. Not until I see Addy and Brennon with big cheeks and blue gum bulging out their little mouths. So I try fishing the minty gum out of my little Addy's mouth which only led to bite marks on my fingers and her swallowing it. (I really think that with each child a person has God makes that child's throat a little larger, considering all the things addy has swallowed that technically she should have choked on). The gum wrapper trail led me straight behind the chair. My purse and its contents dumped in a heap behind it. And I laugh when I think I was probably right in front of my two gum chewers as they were rapidly feasting on my Extra winter fresh treats.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mourning my Mornings

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Preschool summed up
"like how to read?!"
"yes Emma and lots of other things too"
"Do you know why I went to miss Jennifer's class? (preschool) So you know not to pick your boogers"
Belated Birthday
Monday, August 6, 2007
Flower Girl
Well, its all about the bride, it is her big day, let me say she was gorgeous and lucky the man who won her heart! although I hear he's a good guy and never mind that he looks good as well.
BUT, when your the mom of the cute little flower girl all the pictures on your camera are mostly of her, in her beautiful little pink dress with matching shoes. Of course try as I might I didn't seem to get a decent one of her walking down the aisle. Maybe in 25 years when she is the one wearing white I'll worry about those then.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A bubble bath for the trouble makers.
No, we don't actually own the proper soap to make a proper bubble bath.
However, today while I was busy getting lunch ready and Brennon was suppose to be spending a few moments in solitary confinement, AKA: time out. My little Addy decided to entertain her brother by sneaking a bottle of liquid dish soap, which they proceeded to squirt all over the floor and rub all over themselves. So two soapy kids can make a really nice bubble bath and getting half a bottle of dish soap out of carpet is a nice afternoon activity for mom.
Also, may I point out that Brennon's eye is not due to his mischievous ways but rather, that is what happens to my poor little guy whenever he gets bitten by a bug.
Emma "mommy, I'm gonna be a good listener today and help you do everything!"
Brennon "well, I'm not gonna be a listener!"
And both of them told the truth.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Emma-Jean: Not having reached the age of 6, yet acting very much like I anticipate most pre- teens to act she is now "Drama mama". And as her daddy pointed out at last nights T-ball game. She may not outrun them when she gets to be in school, but she'll out do all of them in Drama!
Brennon: Being the mischievous little boy with the super cute face and grin, not to mention how quick he is at puckering up for a sweet kiss for mommy right at the moment of trouble, he is "Catch" as in Catch 22. He drives you crazy....but you love him to death!
Addy: Now she is teeny and super petite. Almost fragile looking, can you break her... well 2 trips to the ER to have her elbows set back into place tells us that you can dislocate her. Break her...probably. But if you tried, you would probably look as though you got into a massive attack with a dozen of cats...and lost. She is a biter, scratcher, pincher, and hitter.
So she is "scrapper" many run ins with her older siblings and she usually ends up making THEM cry.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Puppy Love

My Aunties Cocker Spaniel had puppies so of course we had to take our children to go and visit them. They are so cute when they are small, and so whiny while they were outside, they just wanted attention and to be held. So I guess they are a lot like kids, I mean you also have to make sure there being fed, and clean up after them. So perhaps I can look at it as though my poor auntie has 6 babies and at least I only have 3! Emma has already stated that she wants to visit them again. For the fact that my kids are animal leery I am glad they all liked them and actually held them!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Game Night
Friday, July 6, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007

There are a lot of things about my Addy Joy that are infectious, like her little laugh, her smile, the way she says ug, and puts her arms around your neck for a hug.
Her energy, the girl is my climber she scrambles up anything and everything like a little goat, yesterday she quickly ascended the changing table then managed to pull herself standing in the window, yes, the little small window in her bedroom, clinging to the glass, feet on the window sill. But another thing about her that is infectious is her germs. Particularly the germs from her mouth, see if she is pulling herself up on something she will often times use her teeth to help her achieve her goal, well last week her goal was climbing me. I received two little teeth marks in my left shoulder that resemble more of a snake bite then anything.
well, thinking nothing of it I didn't take care of it properly. So a few days ago I realize that its really red, and sore and that actually my whole shoulder is even sort of stiff and sore to move. Not to mention the pockets of puss and the red lines branching off from it. But have no fear Dr. Danyelle has been treating herself successfully and it seems to be improving. However, this has been a good lesson for me on Addys infectious capabilities.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Girly Girl
EmmaJean was loving her mac and cheese and exclaimed,
"this is were I will always eat after shopping all day!"
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Realizing as you walk through the grocery store, that your son is chewing a piece of gum, that you did not give him.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
P.T. Day 5
But I have to give you yet, another conversation which of course, involves poop.
Two tiny little poops fall to the floor as brennon is getting on the potty
"Oops, Brennon did we have an accident?"
"nope, they just fell out a little"
"hmm, I see that"
"I think we should put them in there" (pointing at the toilet)
"yes, do you want to do it? or should mommy"
"ummm, I think mommy, because poop is yucky and we don't eat it right?"
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
P.T. Days 2-4
Today was a milestone day. After 4 days of not pooping, and then this morning complaining that his tummy hurt, and me explaining why...whoohooo he made it!!!!
which then lead to this conversation:
"I think my poopy is ice cream"
"why do you think that?"
"because its brown, like ice cream"
Saturday, June 2, 2007
P.T. Day 1
"Brennon, is your pee coming out?"
"Nope, I think my penis is mad"
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Done Days

Our preschool days are done. EmmaJean is no longer a preschooler. She has officially joined the ranks of elementary school kids everywhere. She has become a kindergartner. Yes, mom is full of emotions. My first little baby is going off to school next fall. She will be left alone from me all day long. Goodbye small classroom of 11 kids and one super neat teacher. Hello big kids and finding your way around and figuring out how you fit in and where. Ahhh... This is merely the beginning of all sorts of things to come, and let me tell you I am not so excited about that!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Brennon's teasing is sometimes not so fun for his poor sister. He'll swipe a princess doll or some other near and dear toy and claim that it is his. All the while running from her while she starts screaming and crying that its not his and he is laughing because to him, its a game. His new thing lately is to claim that the cat is his. This really irritates Emma-Jean and she'll state matter of factly in her huffy drama voice "NO, its MINE I got it for my BIRTHDAY!"
Addy's teasing is a little more subtle yet, its definitly there. Of course Addy's teasing method mimicks that of her brothers which involves taking a toy and running away. Often times this toy belongs to brennon, I don't feel to bad for the boy since well, that is something he has tought her.