Perhaps I should just start with today. Keep moving forward. Not revisit the past. But what fun is that? I know Dale is dying to get the Thanksgiving and Christmas updates. I didn't disappoint, it is after Valentines day. And oh my goodness, how dare I forget Brennon's birthday. Well to sum up the major holidays.
Thanksgiving is all about the Pie:

Christmas is about long car trips, in a really packed car. Being able to spend time with family and hanging out at Chuck E. Cheese with close friends and their kids (and hanging out again in the middle of a snowstorm sitting in her car for over 4 hours reconnecting, man that was good times!) Going sledding then returning to Grandmas house for hot chocolate and cookies. Its about meeting a nephew who is turning one for the first time. Its about presents, and roasting marshmallows in the fire place. Braving the Minnesota cold to sit outside and enjoy the Hollidazzle. New Outfits that are needed to celebrate the birth of my Saviour. Yup, Christmas is a good time.

Next would be Brennon's birthday. But since he is a pretty special kid, I'll save that one for a later date. Maybe combine it with next year. Come up with some quirky line about how a year has gone by so quickly and he is grown so much. But since were on holidays we'll move on to Valentines Day.
Valentines Day, is a simple day. Really it should be. But what fun is simple? Its so ORDINARY to do the flower, chocolate, dinner thing. And well Jim and I like to not be so ordinary (yes, I am admitting to the weird gene here). So we decided to get some friends together and hit the slopes. Well, the little kind, the kind that kids can go down on sleds then head into town for some pizza grub. Turned out to be not so simple. 9 kids and sleds on a hill....Never simple. But definitely a fun day out.