Oh that's right, Thanksgiving comes between Halloween and Christmas. Well, this year, we were able to try our hand at cooking a turkey. I should say, Jim was able to cook up ole' tom. My mom was in Nebraska and we were able to do it all on our own. I have to admit, we were a little excited about trying it. First the kids needed to make decorations, so handprint turkeys were made to adorn our kitchen and our first thanksgiving feast. I didn't give into the box stuffing or jar of gravy which I did look at closely while in the grocery store. Nope, I made it all homemade! Didn't turn out to bad either and we didn't end up at Ihop. Although I have to say that I wouldn't have minded if we did.

It was a nice laid back, fun, eat till your gut hurts and play some games type of day! And I am so Thankful that we don't do this every year! So FYI: mom and Connie, if we are on our own next year, I think we might go to Ihop, and feel free to join us!