well world meet Henrietta

She came to our house this weekend from preschool. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy Emma's teacher at preschool. She is really wonderful. She loves doing "messy" projects which so does Emma, they really are a great match. On Friday Ms. Jennifer brought in her blender and the kids made homemade paper, and they had the option of using a roller to smash it down, or their feet! Now, I have worked with preschoolers, no way would I want a bunch of kids taking off their shoes and socks to reveal the stinky odor that can very well linger in between grimy toes! But this is the kind of teacher she is and of course Emma used her feet.

Anyway, Henrietta is made of foam and she comes complete with her own backpack that contains an artist notebook for the kids to color pictures in, a journal for mom or dad to write in about their weekend, a book to read, and a disposable camera to snap a photo in front of their house. Well, Emma was thrilled to have her and insisted that we do something special. So Sunday we decided to take Henrietta out for breakfast, which is where her arm got broken by a certain sweet little 1 year old, (never fear, she was easily repaired!). Then we ventured off to Ft. Collins which has the best play area for kids. Henrietta had so much fun! oh yeah, our kids did too. So back to preschool she will go tomorrow and Emma will get to sit on Ms. Jennifers lap and tell the rest of the class about Henriettas wonderful arm breaking weekend with the Nelsons.

As a side note, we generally don't break the arms of people that ever come to visit, its just not good practice.
Oh, Sounds like Henrietta had a delightful stay at the Nelson Family Circus--and that Emma has a great teacher. We want to come for a visit. You may get to entertain Ava and I on our road trip to and fro New Mexico--but you have to promise that you won't break our arms. I need mine to drive and Ava needs hers for carrying a flower girl basket.
te he he :) aren't preschool "mascot" home visits the best! i'm glad you had fun with henrietta little emma :)
Miss Emma,
I know Henrietta had a wonderful time at your house because every time I come to your house I have a wonderful time too!!!
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