I would say probably 2-3 minutes after giving birth to my son I realized that there was a great difference between boys and girls..and yes to all you smarties out there, more then just the physical traits. But as my son has gotten older it has been made more apparent to me just exactly how exasperating those differences can be. ( 6 years from now I might be saying all that about girls and being teenagers!) But for now my son is a wearing little tyrant of a 3 year old. But how much fun has he been!! As he has gotten older and is playing more on his own I notice even more the differences between a boy and a girl. And since Brennon has been fortunate to have an older sister he does get in on the doll and princess action but in a complete and opposite different way. (note the princess in the dogs mouth) this scene was much more enjoyable since I could over hear him saying in a high pitched princess tone of voice "ouch ouch ouch".
And had I been keeping a closer eye on my son instead of cleaning up after lunch I might have been able to overhear what Thomas and Percy were saying as they were getting a bath in the bathroom sink, behind a locked door of course.
You are probably still alive because Emma-Jean-Jean did not see what you were doing to her Princess@@@@@@@
And as for the trains --- doesn't one of your books talk about not being a dirty engine???? You are a smart one Lil Boy!!
Brennon, meet Keiran. You both share an enthusiasm for sloppy wet automotive machines.
oh brennon it's too bad you live in colorado. i have 3 boys that would love to play with you - no princess stuff allowed.
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