Monday, June 16, 2008

The More You Know

A nursing baby will refuse to nurse no matter how hungry they are if they have a leaf stuck to the roof of their mouth.


Renee said...

Thanks for that info. Even a mother of ten has something new to learn! I'll file that away in one of the file cabinets of useless info in my mind.

sarah said...


and how did that leaf get there? ;)

Danyelle said...

Im not sure how that leaf got there...especially since I keep a super clean household were nothing gets tracked across my floors! And renee, I hope you have a large empty file cabinet because I plan on bringing you much more useless info in the future.

Nate and Katie said...

Once again, you have brought a great smile to my face! Oh, you crack me up!

Rachel said...

What in the world?