Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Mothers Prayer

Dear God, thank you for plugged up sinuses. Thank you for knowing everything and always doing what is best for me. I was so frustrated that the medicine wasn't working and I couldn't breath or smell. But now I know that you were just taking care of me. As you always do. You know that I can't handle the smell of vomit. You knew that my 2 year old was going to throw up all over me. You knew I would have to deal with it all by myself. So thank you. Thank you for sinus pressure so I was able to clean up my little girl. And me. And the couch.


Nate and Katie said...
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Nate and Katie said...

So sorry Danyelle, are you making it ok?! God is so good to take care of us, even in such strange ways as this!

Rachel said...

Oh His mercies are new every morning, aren't they.

Hope you sinus pressure relieved after the clean-up.