Okay enough of me and my vanity. In case I don't get on here in the next couple days just thought I'd share my week ahead and seek some prayer. We have a busy schedule planned the rest of this week. A FUN sort of busy. HOWEVER...Monday morning we take our sweet, sensitive child in at 7:45 am to be checked in for surgery. Surgery should start at or close to 8:45. That will last about 1 1/2 hrs. Then recovery for at least an hour or longer depending on how long it takes her to wake up from the anesthesia.
The details to the best of my understanding is this: Emma's eyes cross even with her glasses so surgery is needed to tighten the muscles on the inside of her eyes to help them face forward. Her eyes will still cross with the glasses on b/c of her vision. The surgery will help also with her depth perception since she really has none. And also to prevent future lazy eye should the glasses correct the vision crossing and she may eventually not need them. The incision is made in her eye on the inside white area. they take the muscle out completely then re-attach it tighter. Her eyes will be red, they will look like raw hamburger where the incision was made (that whole white area). They will be puffy. There are some "could happens" the scary ones such has loss of sight, eye, and a list of others. There is also the possibility of over correcting and under correcting, about 30% of the time one of those happens. If its over corrected they try to fix it by adjusting the glasses, if its under corrected they would do surgery again. Please pray none of this happens. If she cries (which I'm sure she will), her tears will be red with blood. When the puffiness goes down there will be bruising.
They say she will recover quickly.
They say she will be fine.
They say mom will have a harder time then Emma will.
They obviously don't know Emma's level of sensitivity. Of course I admit I can often under estimate her strength as well.