We arrived at 7:45 am. by 9:30 emma was wheeled through the double door, her tiny little self on a big bed wide awake and holding on to her precious "piggy". We were told we couldn't be with her when they put her under the anesthesia. That was about the only time I saw her look afraid. She did super well. I told you I sometimes under estimate her strength. And wow, did I ever. This little girl of mine has not shed a single tear over her eye surgery or pain. She has not complained to us once about it. The most she has said so far was in the middle of the night last night when daddy woke her to give her some medicine. She simple whispered "daddy they hurt". Of course they hurt, her eye has been cut into, a muscle cut and stitched back into place. Of course they hurt my sweet little girl, and I am so very sorry. The hardest part at this point in time is the thick goopy medicine that has to be applied 3x a day. That she'll cry over.
That I would cry over. Thank you all for your prayers. We have all felt them. We have all needed them.

oh emma ... you look so sweet!!
i hope you feel better fast!!
So glad that it went well. We will keep on praying for sweet Emma and you all!
My sweet sweet Emma, I am praying for you and all your family. I know you are so strong and such a brave young lady. I love you so much, Bab. Hope you are soon well.
Love Aunt Dixie
My beautiful Emma-Jeanie!!!!!!!!!!
You are the bravest little/big girl I know. I can't believe you are so courageous. You have tolerated the pain and situation much better than I would have and you never complain or cry. What an incredible young lady you are!!
Love Memaw
You are such a brave girl. I am so glad that everything went well and I hope that you are feeling better soon. We love you and are sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery.
Cheryl, Dallas, Dustin, Daniel
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