Friday, August 8, 2008

And tonights kicker is...

So Jim and I have had the fun poking at each other argument over the light in the hallway. What I am saying is, the light bulb in the hallway needs to be changed. Its been burnt out now for well over a month. I'll do something like go to turn on the light switch out of habit and of course nothing. So then I'll be obnoxious flicker the switch super fast and make a face at my husband and groan. To which he will reply. "well, get your stool and change it" (because I am so short and he apparently specially handpicked and purchased a nice stool which sits unused in my laundry room, that's a whole other issue). My argument on the other hand is mostly that he can just reach up and do it. That and the fear of a dead bug falling out on me from pulling off the cover is more than I want to deal with.

Anyway tonight Emma is heading down the small hallway to the bathroom turns around finds her dad and says something like "dad you need to change the light because it kinda makes me scared when its so dark"

And Jim's witty reply was "Emma I'm trying to teach you courage".
Really Jim... is that really whats going on here? hmmm...


Anonymous said...

I often wondered where the children get their quick thinking. Emma should give Dad the puppy dog eyes, my guess would be that the bulb would be changed pretty quick! You girls stick together!HA!

Anonymous said...

Danyelle, you are so witty. It takes someone like you to have a "blog". auntie Dixie