My 7 weird and Random Facts...(this is hard since I'm so UN-weird and random!)
1. I had a cyst removed from my head and it still sits in a jar on my bookcase.
2. I have been around the world
3. I still like to listen to my bad 80's rock music (sorry Jim)
4. I have 2 tattoos
5. I would like another tattoo and perhaps my nose pierced (sorry mom, and I said I WOULD like..not I AM)
6. I have always wanted twins, a girl and boy named Indya and Everette. (so if anyone knows of a set that need a home..call me)
7. Freshman year in college I won the burping contest during homecoming festivities..against a football player too. (maybe I shouldn't share that one?!)
So anyone reading this if your a blogger consider yourself tagged...and if your not a blogger, well tag to you anyway.