My 7 weird and Random Facts...(this is hard since I'm so UN-weird and random!)
1. I had a cyst removed from my head and it still sits in a jar on my bookcase.
2. I have been around the world
3. I still like to listen to my bad 80's rock music (sorry Jim)
4. I have 2 tattoos
5. I would like another tattoo and perhaps my nose pierced (sorry mom, and I said I WOULD like..not I AM)
6. I have always wanted twins, a girl and boy named Indya and Everette. (so if anyone knows of a set that need a home..call me)
7. Freshman year in college I won the burping contest during homecoming festivities..against a football player too. (maybe I shouldn't share that one?!)
So anyone reading this if your a blogger consider yourself tagged...and if your not a blogger, well tag to you anyway.
ok .. the cyst .. that's disgusting ...
i was just thinking about your one dollar refund check ;)
do you still have that?!
Whatever... I am not doing this nonsense. If you want to learn about me, then get your butt over to my house (or come to the park!) and let's talk.
(I do admit that it was interesting learning about Danyelle's "fun facts.")
oh!daughter of mine.don't you even think about going wierd on me. the tattoos' i can handle.i remember you writing to ma one time and telling me about the burpping contest.the cyst i really think is very wierd.do you plan on keeping it forever?love you
yes, the cyst is a forever thing..it looks much like a garbanzoo bean. Well okay not forever. I actually gave it to Jim as a gift so its technically his.
I had forgotten about that one dollar check...I don't think I still have it, but who knows I keep so much usless stuff...I should look.
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