He got glasses. So far about a month of battling,
He's winning.
My friend Renee...3rd place it appears. The cat didn't die, and apparently it was taken by a little kid...so whatever, 3rd place is still AWESOME!! doesn't matter all her mean comments some people left her. Wasn't any of you all was it?!?!
My oldest has her 2nd surgery this year. Takes place Thursday at noon. Check in at 10:30.
About 1/2 hour to remove the adenoids and tonsils. Then 2 hours in recovery to make sure there are no complications. We were told that days 5-7 could be the worst of course that's practically Christmas day so please pray for her that she's actually doing EXCELLENT! that day. I'm planning on making green Jello Christmas trees for her dinner...poor kid.
Christmas is almost here so be Happy.

Thanks for the support for my photo.
I don't know if you get the famous Greeley Tribune, but in the paper on Sunday, we learned that Katie (my oldest daughter) got 1st place for the 13-18 yr division!!! So, I won that way, too. I am so proud of her. Her photo was displayed largely that day. Yeah for Katie. She learned she won a Kodak camera. She picks it up today. We are wondering if it's a "real" (Read:decent) camera or just a disposable. Ha ha.
And, learning the cat picture was taken by a K-5th grader, well, let's say...feeling some guilt? It changes things somewhat for me. I can't believe that kid was on the computer voting for himself over and over. That kid was D-E-D-I-C-A-T-E-D!
Thanks for your support.
Let me know if I can help in some way during Emma's time of healing. I hope it goes well!!!!
Sorry to hear that you are heading into another surgery. Looks like we might be as well in the near future! Hang in there, we will be praying for you guys. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
Thanks for the "glasses' pictures. It will take a while!
Emma-Jean, we are praying for you that your surgery will go very well and that you won't hurt too badly.
ok LOVE the picture!!!!
and good luck with those glasses!
he's so cute
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