What happens when a 14 month old gets the stomach crud and super dehydrated to the point where he doesn't cry a tear? He gets put in the Hospital Saturday night through Monday afternoon. And when their that dehydrated they have a hard time getting an IV so in his one tiny little hand they blew the vein. On to the other little tiny hand where they almost blow it (blood flowing EVERYWHERE) and two people have to hold onto it while mommy pushes the call button for more help. THEN they come in to do a catheter to get a urine sample. And sweet little boy who is already upset and screaming tries hitting mommy because he's so mad and hurt. Which mommy doesn't care and doesn't blame him. So Saturday night mommy spends most of the night standing next to his hospital crib rubbing his back. Sunday night we "sleep" in the recliner together. Monday Afternoon all tests come back clear and he is finally able to keep food and drink in him...longer then the 2 seconds he was doing. And we get to go home. And he is doing much better now. Not a huge appetite back yet but progress none the less.
Just because you have good insurance doesn't mean you have to use it!
Seriously, I hope Dylan is better... Sorry Danyelle and Jim...
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for you guys to have to go through this. It must have been so hard to see your little guy going through this. Do you need anything?!! Hang in there
Oh poor baby! I am so glad he is feeling better. Hang in there! It has to get better soon! Love you!
what happened to dylan? glad to hear he is doing betterhas he gotten his appetite back? how is everyone else doing? take care and huggs and kisses for the little ones"
love dad
awww ... poor guy.
see if you lived here i could have brought you some treats!!
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