Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I get to do what?

Well, since Dylan still hasn't stopped on the runny diarrhea and we were at his 15 month check up yesterday it got brought up. And lucky lucky me, This morning I got to fill up 3 test tubes full of poo which now sit in my fridge. Next to some red jello. One more bigger container to go and it all goes in for testing. We'll see. I'm hoping and really thinking that its just some bug that won't let go of him. Anyway, anyone up for some dinner at my house, I've got red jello for dessert?!


sarah said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA :) ok that is so wrong.

Renee said...

Thanks for the offer. We are too busy to come for dinner.....

Anonymous said...

hello meja'
how is everyone doing? is dylon still keeping the frige stocked with dessert? have you found out yet what it is that he has? sure do hope that it is nothing are the rest of the children doing? how have you guys been? has the weather gooten any better there?will send you an e-mail this next week.
love DAD

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I know where I am NOT going to dinner- You sure do have interesting items in your fridge! I am really hoping that the "special" items are wrapped up in a paper bag so that the other kids don't think mom is holding out on pudding! Yuck! Should not have gone there! I can just about hear how Brennon or Addy would explain this to anyone and everyone that will listen. Boy, would I like to be a fly on the wall to hear that one! Let us know what you find out, I know there is some pretty nasty stuff that comes with having too many antibotics. Hope he is feeling better. Will this effect his upcoming surgery? Let us know- we will be praying for good results. Love you