I am sure you can all get a good image in your head of the girl with her hand on her hip jutted out to the side, face twisted where the eyes are at a squint, the nose has somehow managed to squish its way up between the eyes and the mouth seems to protrude farther then normal outwards from the face. meanwhile the little girl manges to speak "nah nah nah nah nah" all the while her tongue is sticking out.
Keep that image with you as I tell you a story of a girl I saw at the store.
So Jim needed to get some new work clothes. We had a great plan to drop off Emma at church then go with the other 3 to the store. 1 down right? unfortunately that 1 down really doesn't matter when its the one that actually behaves. Well as soon as we enter we realize what a mistake we have made. All 3 were on the verge of "issues". So great idea, we'll split up. I would take Addy Jim would take the boys. (yes, he had 2 but they were the better behaved 2). So we stroll around I have to keep reminding her that she needs to stay with mommy. And of course she keeps reminding me in that very loud Addy voice of hers that I need to be her friend. And yes, we were getting a LOT of looks. Addy is extremely loud for a small 3 year old. Time goes on and patience is wearing so we go off to look for daddy its definitely time to go. "Addy Joy you need to stay by mommy" "YOU NEED TO BE MY FRIEND!" "I am your friend" "GOD SAY YOU NEED TO LOVE ME!" "I do love you Addy but you still need to stay with mommy" "I SAY YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME AND BE MY FRIEND!" "Addy Joy do you see daddy yet?" At this point I am hoping she'll ignore this conversation and perhaps start calling for daddy since she is so audible he is bound to hear her right? Wrong I see him ahead turning a corner. "Addy come on I see daddy lets go" sidetracked by brightly colored beaded necklaces we lost him. Now, remember this type of conversation has been happening for about 45 minutes now. Mommy is ready to go. "Addy Joy we lost daddy lets go, put the necklaces away we need to leave" "MOMMY GOD SAY YOU NEED TO BE MY FRIEND" Now mommy patience has left the store. "Yes ADDY JOY, and God also says you need to listen to your mommy" (insert hand on the hip sassy girl now) "NO, GOD SAY YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME! "
Sales clerk asked if I was ready to check out. HAHA, actually I have a return here in the form of a blond haired little girl.