That is what I should re-name my blog, because that's basically what this is these days.
Brennon is recovering from having his tonsils and adenoids out. Yesterday he was running a fever and his ears hurt pretty bad. Doesn't want his pain meds say that they hurt going down and its a long process to get that 1 tsp down him. Hopefully there will be a turning point soon. He was excitied though about being able to bring home an oxygen mask to play with. When they gave him his "relaxing" meds he was pretending to be a fireman blowing out fires through it. Then he decided to use it and try to blow daddy over, of course he almost fell out of bed doing it to!
Today had an eye doctor appointment with Dylan and the possibility of re-doing his eye surgery hangs painfully close in front of us. His right eye is actually improved from the looks of it today which would mean weaker lenses which isn't what we want right now. We want them stronger to pull the eyes straight and hopefully avoid surgery that way. So tonight we do another round of eye gunk to dilate him and back in 8 am. The Doctor just wants to make sure. Were hoping that todays wasn't correct that tomorrow the extra doses will open his eyes up more so our Dr. can get a better look. HOPEFULLY, and I do mean HOPEFULLY we can get a prescription for stronger lenses and that works on our little guy. Seriously this roller-coaster needs to stop. Would someone please talk to the ride operator for us?
well... at least you can say that you're doing your part for the economy and keeping the medical professionals in business, right?!
honestly ... it sucks ... sorry that you have to be on the coaster you're on. i'll talk to the operator for you ;)
Once again, I am so sorry to hear that you guys are in the midst of more hard stuff. Hey, maybe you are getting it all out of your system now and then there will never be another surgery for the Nelson family! Hang in there, I will be praying for you!
You can say that you have had your share! If you could forward that operators number I would be glad to tell him to stop the ride! As well as a few other words. Love you guys, hang in there. Summer is around the corner and won't it be great when everyone is feeling good and able to enjoy the sunshine. I am hoping that the back yard is still not off limits! Will send prayers your way and a cyber hug! A great big one for each of you. Take care of yourself! Love you
glad to hear that everything went well. will send the ride up on another track that leads to lala land. tell the children that gramps goes in for eye surgery may 7th. will give you a call and update you.\. tell everyones hello ,huggs and kisses for the children grandpa
My poor sick sweet boy!!!!!!!!
You know what I think is amazing about you?....All this is going on for you, and when you hear something is going on in my life, you ask what YOU can do for ME. I appreciate the fact that in spite of what you are dealing with, you look outside of yourself and are willing to give. You are such a special woman, Danyelle. I am blessed to call you my friend. I hope, hope, hope things get better and especially that Dylan will be healed in his eyes *before* another eye surgery!! Please, Jesus!!!
Sweet Lady,
I totally agree with Renee. You are a wonderful person. And you are a blessing to me.
Love Mom.
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