Anyway, he actually has done pretty good, of course mom and dad take it harder. And so for almost the past week we have literally had to follow him around to keep him from doing anything on the don't list. Its wearing, no exhausting. Thursday at his recheck however his eyes still aren't where they are suppose to be so back in a month and that will tell us if another surgery is needed. Please Please pray no! I'm surgeried out. Brennon has his tonsils and adenoids coming up April 2nd and really I'm ready to get off this surgery roller coaster ride and puke. We've had enough!
I have a sad, well, perhaps more heart wrenching story to share with all this.
Emma was at school when surgery happened. She felt for him, she really did she was worried about him she remembers what its like. After school she proceeded to homework and some cartoons and it was right before dinner I'm sitting on the floor with him and she comes to get a good look. She looked right into his little eyes and started crying, quietly tears poured down her sweet tender cheeks her little heart broken for his pain. So of course I pull her right next to me my eyes tearing up and Jim comes in to seeing all this estrogen flowing from us females and his heart melted too. That is my little Emma-Jean, sweet, sensitive little girl. I love her.

Oh Danyelle, You have had so much hard stuff this year. I am so glad you have a sweet little tender girl to share moments with. Will be praying for you guys. Hang in there!
How tender and sweet of Emma to love her brother her so. It melts your heart to see that kind of love. Without these situations, we may not see the depth. That is a silver lining.
Praying that Dylan's eyes heal properly!!!
that's so sweet!
i'm so sorry that you have had such a 'fun filled' few months :(
i will pray!!!
Oh Sweet ones- There are not words. I must say that my eyes teared up just to see the little man. Enough is enough! I will pray that all goes well and next month Dylan is fine. Hang in there! You know if you can survive this year you can survive any year. God Bless- Love you all
glad to hear that everything went somewhat well.tell dylan that his red eye looks like grandpas' every time he gets out of the shower.if i do a lot of reading it gets teary.will be going to the dr.tomorrow monday at nine am for an evaluation and probably schedule catract surgery. will keep you posted. tell all the children hello for me.
Sweet Nelson family,
All of your blogs are so cute, Danyelle and the children you have are darlings. How could they not be huh???? I will be praying for Brennon with his surgery the 6th, and also for Dylan that his eyes heal so he will not have to have more surgery. Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you all. Auntie Dixie
Love your blogs. checking to see if I have signed up right.
My baby boy - he is just too little to have to do this :(.
I can't believe how good he is.
Sweet Sweet baby.
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