Today is officially the day that I gave birth to my 8lb 11 oz bundle of sweetness with a head full of dark hair all ready for pigtails. Even on day one I could have stuck a barrette in her hair to keep it out of her face. And today she is 8. On her way to 2nd grade. All about her video games, bike, friends, and listening to her favorite artist...Jackie Valesquez. I love her. So we had a birthday party for her. Because like I told her I wouldn't host a girl party for just anyone. She wanted a backyard pool party. With Pizza. And a pool. And a slip n slide. (And a new bike) And perhaps some cake. A sandal cake. We had fun. It was hot. Good thing I love her.

I love your grown up bundle of sweetness too!!! Where the heck does the time go so fast??
The party and decor were awesome. You have incredible ideas and the flip flop cake was so darn cute.
Oh yes and Jim is awesome riding her new pink bike (which says "Pretty in Pink") down the street so Emma can ride on the trick bars!!! You parents rock----
Happy Birthday Emma! You are growing up into a wonderful young girl! It was so nice to visit with all of you. The kids have really grown up fast. I can't beleive that Brennon is getting ready to start school and Emma is going into the 2nd grade, WOW! I honestly don't know how you and Jim picked such a perfect name for Addy Joy- because she is just that a Joy! Dylan is so full of spunk, but geez he's got to keep up with the big guys!I just love listening to him "talk" Love to all of you- and yes the boys loved the picture especially the ones with Brennon playing T ball in his sandles!HA HA, Love you guys
happy birthday emma!!!
i love seeing that picture of her as a baby. i totally remember her black spikes!! ha ha :)
miss you!
Are you sure you didn't accidentally put Jim's baby picture into that post?
Happy Birthday Emma! I can't believe you have an 8 year old...wasn't it just yesterday we were watching Grease and playing with Barbies??!!
Sweet pics! The cake is so cute, what a fun party!
One more memory of the past...remember your New Kids on the Block poster!?? Oh, the days gone by.
Enjoy these nice innocent years of sweetness!
Emma, how did you grow up so fast? I remember that August day when you were born - our first granddaughter! That was very special. You are growing up into such a nice young lady.
We remember your pool party at the condo when you were two. Where has time gone?
Have a good year being 8!
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