Once upon a time there was this mom. She was so excited, she was caught up on laundry. Of course this feeling is only short lived due to the fact that there is always more laundry waiting. So this mom took a couple days off from laundry. Which means the loads quickly accumulated. They grew and grew. So the mom decided it was time to get back to her work room and get some washing done. As the week went on mom thought the laundry room smelled a little musty. Not thinking more about it she went about her task. Then one long day she washed and washed and washed. Finally reaching the bottom of the white load she came across some towels and wash clothes....they were wet, they stunk, they were moldy. Oh yeah, it was gross they went of course right away into the trash. This mom moved on to the darks. After several more loads she came across a little green plastic bag. realizing that this bag was from a week ago she became quickly worried, she knew what was inside. Opening the bag the overpowering musty smell filled the room. The mom dumped out the contents, they were of course a shirt and pants (luckily just some play clothes that had been handed down from a friend). They had been played in a good week ago at Memaw's house. These clothes had gotten wet and covered with mud. So the little boy went home in just his diaper, his clothes in the bag. Now of course the clothes not only still wet and covered with mud, were also stinky with mold spots.
Now I ask, which is grosser? I go with C. All the above.
Do I even post this and admit that I don 't get everything done like I should?
Do I post this and let the world know how disgusting my laundry was?
Well, let me add, my laundry room is now organized and cleaned, and laundry...well, its almost caught up!
Sometimes its not. But with a family of 6 at least its usually something.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Swooooosh, there went a year
Wow. The school year is done. That was really fast. The last week was also kind of a blur. Which is probably why I feel the need to sleep more and make up for the chaos that consumed our home the last week of school. I can't believe Addy is heading into her last year of preschool. Brennon will be a first grader and gone from me all day! EmmaJean will be a third grader, WHAT?!?! Oh my gosh what am I to do...... I don't know. I'll worry about that next year right now I have the summer to get through.

Wednesday evening the kids have an award ceremony for all their hard work at church memorizing tons of verses:

SO, the last week of school went something like this:
Tuesday: Dairy field trip with Addy's preschool class.

Wednesday: Same Dairy field trip but with Brennon's class.

Ooops, someone messed up, so we stayed at school, got ice cream from the dairy, run to the store to get sundae toppings and spend the day playing with the other Kindergarten class. Oh well, its not school work so its fun right!
Wednesday evening the kids have an award ceremony for all their hard work at church memorizing tons of verses:
Thursday: Off to the next state over for a Buffalo Ranch trip with EmmaJeans class.

Thursday I get to pack and get ready to go to Nebraska for a quick weekend/day to Celebrate my Great Aunties 100th Birthday. and NO this woman does NOT dye her hair. She is lucky, I hope I get that gene.
Return home for the last day of school for the kiddos. Which means FIELD DAY!!

Friday, May 7, 2010
Close your eyes and pretend with me that it's February 6, 2010. Yes, I know Brennon's birthday is Feb 5th. I however would never be fast enough to actually create a post on the day the event happened. We are however, really stretching our imaginations to even pretend that I posted the party the day after the event!

I have to say that Brennon's party this year was one to remember. I do mean that since Emma said she wants a party like his next year. I need to remember all that we did. I need to remember not to make the scooby doo cake myself. I need to remember that we did a monster mash (balloons tied to ankles, keep yours safe but pop the others). I need to remember to save up on toilet paper for a mummy wrap contest. I must of course remember that Jim is great at coming up with clues as to where the hidden presents disappeared to and having kids search all over the house finding clues to get the birthday boys gifts. And of course Jim needs to remember how to draw a scooby doo on felt so we can have a pin the collar on scooby doo game as well. Since my brain is low on memory, I am hoping that Emma will pick another theme!

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