I have to say that Brennon's party this year was one to remember. I do mean that since Emma said she wants a party like his next year. I need to remember all that we did. I need to remember not to make the scooby doo cake myself. I need to remember that we did a monster mash (balloons tied to ankles, keep yours safe but pop the others). I need to remember to save up on toilet paper for a mummy wrap contest. I must of course remember that Jim is great at coming up with clues as to where the hidden presents disappeared to and having kids search all over the house finding clues to get the birthday boys gifts. And of course Jim needs to remember how to draw a scooby doo on felt so we can have a pin the collar on scooby doo game as well. Since my brain is low on memory, I am hoping that Emma will pick another theme!

I still can't believe the cake you made. You are incredible. And it was a really fun party. Yes, one to remember!!!!
We love flashbacks! You and Jim are so creative! What a wonderful party for a 6 year old boy!
Pa-pa and Grandma
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