Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Potty training and housebreaking DO go hand in hand

One should never potty train a 2 year old and house break a puppy at the same time but if you find yourself ever being stuck in this predicament....well...
1. Pet stain and odor remover works equally well for 2 year old messes.
2. Don't laugh when 2 year old pees on the kitchen floor ('because puppy does it').
3. Let 2 year old know that when puppy pees outside like she is suppose to she does not get an m&m.
4. Stock fridge with coffee creamer and cokes (frequent visits to Starbucks are equally good!).
5. Don't confuse 2 year old with puppy and rub behind the ears while cooing "good girl" after a job well done.
6. Carpet cleaning projects should wait until after both 2 year old and puppy are trained.
7. Popcorn for lunch is definitely okay when overwhelmed with laundry-add craisins if it makes you feel less guilty.
8. Treats work well for both child and pup. However, with child 1 m&m for pee and 2 for poop doesn't really last long. You may need to encourage child by upping the reward to a Hersey kiss, AKA BIG chocolate, for pooping in the toilet. Again refer to number 3.
9. Prepare yourself returning home after running errands. 2 year old and puppy will both have to GO at the same time.
10. Whether your rushing a squatting mutt outside, or holding a 2 year old on a public toilet, chances are high that you will get peed on.


Anonymous said...

Yep, all makes since to me esp. that the puppy should get an M&M reward for a job well done!!!!!!!!!!
Dylan is just taking good care of Pasley.

Cheryl said...

You go girl! I know you have nothing else to do with your time, but clean up potty messes. I am sure that Dylan will get the hang of it sooner than the puppy- Just wait until you go to the park and puppy does her business and you get to pick it up. Now fast forward to Dylan thinking that its a good thing to pick up poop- or go outside- anything is possible! Oh the joys of motherhood! Love the post!

sarah said...

ha ha! LOVE this!!