Sometimes its not. But with a family of 6 at least its usually something.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Let the Race begin!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Christmas. I mean Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Halloween came and went.
Dear Emma,
Despite the fact that your mom and dad came up with some really fun, cool, group themed costumes and you were so set against them all, I still love you. Also, you made a great bat, and well, dad did a great job assembling your costume from dollar store merchandise!
Dear Brennon,
You are awesome! Love that all you wanted was a sheet over your head for a ghost, and perhaps some eyes, and mouth. Yup, easy is good. Also, you had the scariest ghost noises ever!
Dear Addy,
You were a great cat, even if your tail kept flipping in between your legs when you ran. Don't you think it's kinda weird that we had a cat following us for a few blocks? I think it is because it liked you and thought you were it's friend.
Dear Dylan,
You make a great Buzz, complete with sound effects of lasers and wings popping out. I am glad you decided you wanted to be him. I am glad we found this costume on ebay pretty darn cheap too.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
4 years ago (and some days)... I birthed him.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Oh yeah, they started school
Yup, school started this year. It just hasn't been posted yet. Typically, I would just skip it, but since it is Addy's first year it does deserve a spot here on my little old blog. I was able to capture them as they headed out the door. Excited, that lasted a day or so.

Addy all lined up. Well, just for a quick photo and then she was off to play on the jungle gym.
And Brennon was also patient enough to let me take one of him as well.
Emma, well, she is in the other building and what 4th grader wants their mom following them over there to get a photo and kiss them off on their first day of school. She didn't. All is good though. School is good. 2 kids gone all day, 1 kid gone 1/2 day. Some one on one time with Dylan. Only 1 kid to take to the grocery store. Yup, it's all good!
Addy all lined up. Well, just for a quick photo and then she was off to play on the jungle gym.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Who Done it?
It is October, time for a good mystery.
"Hey Brennon, would you run downstairs and get my camera for me, please don't play with it, just bring it up here".
Time goes by. I wait patiently. I wait patiently. I wait patiently.
"Brennon? come on!"
"I'm coming just a sec"
Shorter amount of time goes by.
Then a couple weeks go by, and I start to review my photos. There are actually a couple of dozen random shots of walls, ceilings, dog, toys, and other such objects. I wonder exactly who did this? Hmm... I will keep these photos and I will scrapbook them, and someday my son and I will laugh about it.

"Hey Brennon, would you run downstairs and get my camera for me, please don't play with it, just bring it up here".
Time goes by. I wait patiently. I wait patiently. I wait patiently.
"Brennon? come on!"
"I'm coming just a sec"
Shorter amount of time goes by.
Then a couple weeks go by, and I start to review my photos. There are actually a couple of dozen random shots of walls, ceilings, dog, toys, and other such objects. I wonder exactly who did this? Hmm... I will keep these photos and I will scrapbook them, and someday my son and I will laugh about it.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Ears, everybody should have 2.
Anyway: At the ripe old age of 10 Emma has decided that maybe she would be okay with getting hers pierced. It has taken a long time for her to come to that decision. I have always told her what they did and that it was up to her whenever she felt ready for them. I love that it has taken her this long, just goes to show her independence. Addy on the other hand has pretty much always wanted them. At least since she gained enough verbal skills to communicate that with me. Well, we did it. We let them both go get them done and they both ended up with the same little pink flowers. They both did great! I know however that when they can start changing them out Addy will probably change them hourly, to coordinate with that hours outfit. Yup, that will be fun.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
3 days and 2 nights
One day Emma had to turn 10. It's true. It was going to happen. She wanted a slumber party. I didn't. Dad thought I should. Dad didn't have to plan and prepare and think to much about it. In the end she had a slumber party. 3 of her friends, a good number by the way. 4 little girls to eat pizza, have cake and ice cream. Decorate pillowcases, make friendship bracelets, make smore's in the backyard and play in the dark, play WII, watch movies and eat junk food. Stay up late, keep staying up late...finally sleep. Then up for a pancake breakfast. It was great I have to say, her friends are sweet. They had a blast and Emma is 10. Double digits here we are!! I love this girl of mine.
After the pancake mess was cleaned up and girls went home, we threw stuff in the car and headed to the mountains for a camping trip with friends, which means 10 kids. Which was a blast even though we were going on very little sleep and extra cups of coffee. I love the mountains, I love sleeping in the tent freezing next to my babes who are kicking me in the back all night long. I really do! I love campfires, I love smelling like them. I love putting kids to bed and hanging around them with friends having a drink and chatting. Good times. Exhausting weekend, but worth every second of it. Best part was there was a bear that kept coming in to the campground...unfortunately we didn't see it. But at the same time it didn't try to eat our food either!
After the pancake mess was cleaned up and girls went home, we threw stuff in the car and headed to the mountains for a camping trip with friends, which means 10 kids. Which was a blast even though we were going on very little sleep and extra cups of coffee. I love the mountains, I love sleeping in the tent freezing next to my babes who are kicking me in the back all night long. I really do! I love campfires, I love smelling like them. I love putting kids to bed and hanging around them with friends having a drink and chatting. Good times. Exhausting weekend, but worth every second of it. Best part was there was a bear that kept coming in to the campground...unfortunately we didn't see it. But at the same time it didn't try to eat our food either!
Monday, July 18, 2011
This year we put Addy in dance. She loved it, of course she did. At the end of the year all the classes held a recital. Her group performed Castle on a Cloud, not sure exactly what it was but it was fun to watch them all perform there little routine as they watched the person next to them to see exactly what it was they were suppose to do, and of course just watching this little bundle of sweetness prance around on a big stage was really just to much fun.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Took the kids to the science museum, it was a lot of fun. Our favorite was trying to out match each other in the power of the mind. I have to admit, I was horrible at it. The whole idea was to remain calm and relaxed and move the ball to your opponents side. Of course I had a lot heckling and a 3 year old jabbering at me too. The best one at the game...the 3 year old. He was hilarious, closing his eyes and completely concentrating, guess we know who would be the Jedi in our family.

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Today was the day
My little nephew that I have loved on, and hugged on from the the moment I met him and held his tiny little self in my arms, has graduated. He is no longer a little boy, (well, he always will be in my heart). He is growing up, as do all kids. In just 3 week he will be shipped off to be a Marine. Proud of him I am!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Last Night
Addy comes upstairs before bed.
"hey dad, I have some bad news, and some good news"
"okay what is it?"
"the bad news is that Emma is crabby"
"yes, I know, whats the good news?"
"the good news is that Jesus is alive!"
"hey dad, I have some bad news, and some good news"
"okay what is it?"
"the bad news is that Emma is crabby"
"yes, I know, whats the good news?"
"the good news is that Jesus is alive!"
Saturday, May 21, 2011
That's Emma up there behind the piano. Each year at the end of the year, the school holds a talent show. Now there are only about 12-15 kids/performers, that get to put on a show for the school. This year Emma decided to try out with a little piano music. And out of about 50+ kids that try out each year. She made it! She so loves doing and being involved in as many things as possible. So proud of her!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
On Ice
So apparently I thought that I had control, but I don't. I thought that when we took Addy to Disney on Ice that I would only take maybe 30 pics. Even while we were there I thought I had managed some self control. It wasn't only until I went to go put photos on the computer that I realized that I hadn't. 113 pictures later I have some to share.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A way with words
Addy has such a way of putting things. For example lettuce is called "straps" and she hates straps. Snowflakes are often "Snowflags". And so many other things throughout the day that she comes up with in her own creative mind. My favorite of times is that she calls hooks (like a coat hook, or towel hook) a "hooker". One day she said to a friend, you can put your coat downstairs, we have a hooker. She makes me laugh, until last night in the bathroom she is holding the hand towel while Brennon was drying his hands and she says, "hey Brennon, I'm a hooker!" Yeah, we may have to fix that!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Addy: So when mommy dies Emma will have to take care of us.
Emma: Addy, Mommy isn't going to die.
Addy: Well, when YOU die, Brennon will have to take care of us.
Emma: I am not going to die.
Addy: And then when Brennon dies, I'll take care of me and Dylan, and then when I die Dylan won't have anyone to take care of him.
And Dylan interjects with a simple heart warming plea "I want mommy"
It's okay Dylan I plan on being around here to take care of you for a long long time!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Love going to the mountains. Staying a few days with my family. Enjoy the tubing, the fire, the ice skating. Watching my kids enjoying themselves and mastering sledding skills and skating skills....My oldest and youngest spending an ENTIRE day going up and down a hill.....yup, the 3 year old outlasted his 17 year old and 15 year old cousins!!! What a Blast!!! thanks mom for the memories!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
about potty training
yup that is exactly what you think it is. Apparently Dylan had a little accident, now this was a long time ago when he was still trying to get it all figured out. However, I have to give the kid some credit he was trying to clean it up! So needless to say at the end the night. I relaxed and enjoyed this:
Monday, April 11, 2011
I have a dream
I have had lots of them throughout the course of my life. They change from stage to stage in my life. I have missed blogging. I have lots of stories that would run through my brain and I would think.."wow, that's a blog worthy moment". Of course signing into my old dial up computer was so time consuming. Of course now, I have this much faster, Internet which will allow me no more excuses for getting on here and updating some of our daily life. Anyway, back to my dream. I use to dream that I would get married, travel the world with the love of my life then settle down some where, preferably some place a lot different then where I was. You know, a beach, ocean side, mountain side....London. Then start a family. Of course well, that didn't turn out so. But as it turned out its okay. I have four kiddos. Two pets. A small house in a small town. Anyway, I have a new dream. I want to be the old granny driving a little sporty red, Nissan 350Z , license plate reading "flash". On the back my hover round will be attached and I will be heading towards the Grand Canyon. Jim by my side.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Times they are a changin
Yes, I know its been months. Yes, I know there were 3 birthdays and Christmas in the time I have been away. But this is a fresh memory. So endure it.
I am home preschooling Addy this year. I love it by the way. We are working on reading. This particular book that we are working through is awesome. Mostly because it tells me not only what to do but what to say. Anyway, she is making great progress.
You read a sentence and there are questions that you ask them about a story. So for example a sentence would go like this.
"We will run". Then you ask a question. "who will run?"
Correct response is "we". through a very complicated and confusing 10 minute conversation over that simple sentence. I realize that my poor little girl is very very confused. I finally realized that she is wondering how in the world can a WII run!!! Thank you Nintendo!
I am home preschooling Addy this year. I love it by the way. We are working on reading. This particular book that we are working through is awesome. Mostly because it tells me not only what to do but what to say. Anyway, she is making great progress.
You read a sentence and there are questions that you ask them about a story. So for example a sentence would go like this.
"We will run". Then you ask a question. "who will run?"
Correct response is "we". through a very complicated and confusing 10 minute conversation over that simple sentence. I realize that my poor little girl is very very confused. I finally realized that she is wondering how in the world can a WII run!!! Thank you Nintendo!
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