Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who Done it?

It is October, time for a good mystery.
"Hey Brennon, would you run downstairs and get my camera for me, please don't play with it, just bring it up here".

Time goes by. I wait patiently. I wait patiently. I wait patiently.

"Brennon? come on!"

"I'm coming just a sec"

Shorter amount of time goes by.


Then a couple weeks go by, and I start to review my photos. There are actually a couple of dozen random shots of walls, ceilings, dog, toys, and other such objects. I wonder exactly who did this? Hmm... I will keep these photos and I will scrapbook them, and someday my son and I will laugh about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the boy in the picture may have done it but then on the other hand it just may have been a fluke!!!! Gotta love that boy in the pic.