Friday, February 2, 2007


So I have made it Emma's job to help clean up after lunch. I simply ask her to clear off the table and bring me the dishes as I wash them all up. I also ask her to clean up any big crumbs off the floor (she does like sweeping and swiffering, and I hope this continues well into her teenage's to dreaming!) Anyway, most days her job duties come with smiles and chatter about her day at preschool. Some days come with grunts and moans and a little snarly face to go with all the drama. Today was a drama, snarly, groaning day. Let me also quick mention that right now Emma is really into numbers. For example yesterday I was trying to teach her the tongue twister "peter piper picked a pack of...." so when I ended with "how many pickled peppers did peter piper pick" her response was a quick "25" so in case your ever wondering how many he picked, there is your answer. Back to today... so as my little snarly faced 5 year old darling brought me a plate she moaned "do I have to do this for five and twenty nine days?". I love being a mommy at these moments because I smiled sweetly at my beautiful girl and said "no sweetheart, you have to do it 365 days a year for the next 13 years".


Anonymous said...

Grandma thinks Emma and her Minneapolis cousin should have a contest to see who can sweep up the most stuff. Sweeping seems to be very popular among 4 and 5 year olds.

Anonymous said...

Miss Emma, I am so sorry to say but it may go way past 13 years!!!!
Happy Sweeping sweet girl!!!!
Oh yes, I am glad to know there were 25 pickles-

Anonymous said...

Dear Little Emma, Aunt Dixie is so glad that you are such a wonderful helper for you mom. That makes me very very proud of you. You are a sweetheart.