Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Answer

Dear positive Renee. I wish it were only true. How I need to make it to a park day and perhaps it would be, however...
answer C best fits the almost 3 year olds personality. I would like to add that she is potty trained. I know its crazy! I thought for sure when we started this scary feat of going in the toilet I would have tons of stories to share with my lucky readers. However. My most difficult of children has been by far the easiest to potty train. For a week I just gave her the option of diaper or underwear to get a feel for things and she mostly chose underwear. Opting for a diaper if she knew she was going to have to go. SO when I figured out that little trick we went straight to underwear, even through the night and shes only had about 3 accidents or so in the past 2 weeks (I don't even have to ask the little monster, she just goes in and does her thing like she's been doing it for years, which is great, I like easy!) That even includes a rather long afternoon trip up to the mountains. Which I'll get those cute pictures posted soon...maybe!


Renee said...

See, I told you....when you wait til they're 12, it *really* is easy!! Nice job. Renee

Anonymous said...

Yeah! 3 down 1 to go! You are such a good Mommy! She is such a cutie!