Sometimes its not. But with a family of 6 at least its usually something.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Potty training and housebreaking DO go hand in hand
1. Pet stain and odor remover works equally well for 2 year old messes.
2. Don't laugh when 2 year old pees on the kitchen floor ('because puppy does it').
3. Let 2 year old know that when puppy pees outside like she is suppose to she does not get an m&m.
4. Stock fridge with coffee creamer and cokes (frequent visits to Starbucks are equally good!).
5. Don't confuse 2 year old with puppy and rub behind the ears while cooing "good girl" after a job well done.
6. Carpet cleaning projects should wait until after both 2 year old and puppy are trained.
7. Popcorn for lunch is definitely okay when overwhelmed with laundry-add craisins if it makes you feel less guilty.
8. Treats work well for both child and pup. However, with child 1 m&m for pee and 2 for poop doesn't really last long. You may need to encourage child by upping the reward to a Hersey kiss, AKA BIG chocolate, for pooping in the toilet. Again refer to number 3.
9. Prepare yourself returning home after running errands. 2 year old and puppy will both have to GO at the same time.
10. Whether your rushing a squatting mutt outside, or holding a 2 year old on a public toilet, chances are high that you will get peed on.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's a GIRL!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Her name is Joy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Whats grosser then gross, let me tell you a story
Now I ask, which is grosser? I go with C. All the above.
Do I even post this and admit that I don 't get everything done like I should?
Do I post this and let the world know how disgusting my laundry was?
Well, let me add, my laundry room is now organized and cleaned, and laundry...well, its almost caught up!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Swooooosh, there went a year

Wednesday: Same Dairy field trip but with Brennon's class.

Ooops, someone messed up, so we stayed at school, got ice cream from the dairy, run to the store to get sundae toppings and spend the day playing with the other Kindergarten class. Oh well, its not school work so its fun right!
Wednesday evening the kids have an award ceremony for all their hard work at church memorizing tons of verses:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Next would be Brennon's birthday. But since he is a pretty special kid, I'll save that one for a later date. Maybe combine it with next year. Come up with some quirky line about how a year has gone by so quickly and he is grown so much. But since were on holidays we'll move on to Valentines Day.
Valentines Day, is a simple day. Really it should be. But what fun is simple? Its so ORDINARY to do the flower, chocolate, dinner thing. And well Jim and I like to not be so ordinary (yes, I am admitting to the weird gene here). So we decided to get some friends together and hit the slopes. Well, the little kind, the kind that kids can go down on sleds then head into town for some pizza grub. Turned out to be not so simple. 9 kids and sleds on a hill....Never simple. But definitely a fun day out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Why I need Caffeine
Mom, I'm awake now. I am drawing a picture, see here is you and you have long hair. Here is daddy and he is a boy. I am not a boy but I have short hair like a boy. Stella Blue has squiggly hair like this. But my hair was long once, when we went to the park it was long and we saw fireworks and it was long but its short now like a boy but I am not a boy I am a girl. And I can burp see watch *burp*. I am going to Stella Blues house for her birthday and I am going to get her a present okay mom. Tonight is her birthday. Mom let me trace your hand here. See here is your hand and watch me trace my hand. See there is both of our hands and I can put them together and they are on top of each other and our hands together means I love you. Did you know that mom? Did you know I love you. And I love daddy and brennon and emma and I have a cat and her name is Olive and she is silly. And I love Dylan too. Mom let me trace my foot. You can trace your foot too. Oh mom when we go get emma are we going to the store. I want to go to the store and buy something with my money. I want a princess. I have a princess but I want another princess so they can play together and mom when are we going to eat breakfast I am thirsty for some milk. Can I have some milk. Oh and I think I want waffles can you make us some waffles. Ethan likes waffles too and so does dylan. And you can eat one if you want but don't eat them all so emma and brennon can have some after school. Or maybe we should make pancakes. I like oatmeal but only your oatmeal maybe we should have oatmeal. Hey mom your eyes are getting purple mom do you see that your eyes are purple why are they purple (because i'm tired and need Caffeine). My eyes aren't purple but I have purple lip gloss but I can't find my purple lip gloss anymore from Stella Blues birthday party do you know where it is mom, maybe its in the washer......
And your tired from just reading it!
Can I have someone deliver a coke please?
Friday, January 22, 2010