what is it about couch cushions? I have a couch with removable cushions, which by the way is something I will think twice about next time I need to purchase a couch. But my children are thrilled when they can take the cushions off and play with them. My couch cushions have been used to make houses, bridges, forts, cars, boats, surfboards, sharks... you name it, they have probably imagined it. Their favorite however is to pile them up for a nice landing spot. Now, I know that some moms out there would probably gasp at the thought of children jumping on the couch. Which is why its a game we can only play at our house. But seriously, what a great game! They are active, happy, occupied and most importantly, getting along! even when they land on each other they laugh instead of yell. I will admit, even though there is no photo proof, mommy had a go or two, and it was fun. So my little darlings, enjoy the couch while it still has some spring for your jump, and jump kids...jump!