I wonder if any of you have heard the song "Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley?
I ask because this is Brennons favorite song. The chorus line in it says "I think your crazy". Well, my son upon hearing the song as decided that the chorus line says "I make you crazy" which is how he sings it. And, this is true. My son does make me crazy. But any of you who know us well knows that my son fits the description "all boy". And I think that when God made little boys, this was a requirement. Because only my little boy could scream at the top of his lungs for 20 minutes yelling "I want my night night" over and over and over and over....again. (while we are all in the car with no where to escape it) Yet, still at the end of it all when I have absolutely had enough. Smile at me, say "I love you mommy" and get a kiss from it all. Yes Brennon Boy, you make your mommy crazy, and I love you!
aren't little boys the best!
is there a jim under there?
Awww Brennon is so funny! He's definitely a mamas boy
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