Apparently I am smelly. Last night as I was getting ready to go to church I applied some body spray then walked past my oldest daughter who proceeded to follow me with her nose in the air. The conversation then continued something like this,
"mom, I like your smell"
"well thanks Emma" (at this point mommy is pleased)
"mom, why do you have that smell?"
"well, sometimes people just like to spray it so they smell good"
"because your always stinky?" (well, what can you do but laugh at that right?)
So according to my daughter I am stinky.
silly emma! I think you smell nice.
Yesterday morning as I was getting ready I starting spraying some perfume that I haven't used in a long time--I'm usually more of a lotion girl. Ava, who loves to smell everything rushed over to assess the situation, and demanded to know what I was up to (sound similar). After taking several long sniffs, she declared, "That's smells like Mr. Clean. Yuck! I don't like Mr. Clean. I don't want Mr. Clean in my house. You smell like Mr. Clean." Not exactly the scent I was going for.
The crazy thing is, I don't even use Mr. Clean. I had a bottle of Mr. Clean orange kitchen cleaner when Ava was a baby, but I hated the scent too and haven't used it at least a year or so.
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