Sometimes its not. But with a family of 6 at least its usually something.
Friday, December 19, 2008
2 4 months
So in the Nelson household we often tell our kids that God is taking care of them. WELL....Of course Emma according to Addy is "sick". And as Addy informed Memaw God is taking care of Emma. Of course however, today Addy is laying on the couch watching a movie with Emma when Memaw walks in.
"Addy are you taking care of Emma?"
"Yes, I a god".
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008
How much I love Renee and the cat needs to die.
My friend Renee has a picture in our local newspaper contest she was one of 30 picked from..well A LOT. The winner gets published front page or something like that. So go cast your 2 votes an hour. Because if you look at the pictures there is a really stupid cat picture that is winning. That's why the cat needs to die.
Good luck Renee!

The link will take you right to this picture of hers and you can do your 2 clicks....every hour all day and all night.....Thank you all!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So on with my intriguing story. Let me forewarn some of you its a potty story and it takes place in the public restroom at our local Hobby Lobby store.
After running several errands one evening the entire family of 6 was loudly walking around the aisles of the craft store when the cute little blond exclaims loudly that she has to potty. The tired mommy sighs pulls her out of the cart and starts towards the restroom when the young man accompanying them also states a need to go. Tired mommy rolls her eyes and wonders if the young son really has to or if this is just one of those things. Not wanting any kinds of accidents the three headed off towards the restroom. Once in the restroom the young boy heads into a stall while the mother and girl take the one right next to him.
Addy "I'm going pee"
Brennon "I'm going pee too"
Addy "I have to go poop"
Brennon "I have to go poop too"
Now here is where of course someone enters the restroom and promptly leaves. And of course here is where the conversation goes from normal tone to overly loud.
Addy Grunts
Brennon Grunts
Addy Grunts longer
Brennon Grunts longer
Addy Grunts even LONGER
Brennon Grunts even longer
Addy "my POOPY is COMING"
Brennon "my POOPY is COMING FIRST"
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Day we dressed up...also awhile ago

Thursday, November 13, 2008
It is all my fault
wow Brennon, (while eating lunch) I didn't know you could reach on top of the counter to get the napkins
Yup, I just step on the drawers and get up there.
hmm..maybe that's the reason my drawers are broken ya think?
Yup, That's because you guys always forget the napkins.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
October 16, 2008

We celebrated not on Thursday her birthday, we (Jim and I) had a softball game to play. However on Friday when the GRANDparents arrived we enjoyed fine dinning at Chuck E. Cheese. Where a kid CAN be a kid. And Adults too...They have a fun Deal or No Deal Game...Anyway...

Sunday, October 26, 2008
I've been Tagged

My 7 weird and Random Facts...(this is hard since I'm so UN-weird and random!)
1. I had a cyst removed from my head and it still sits in a jar on my bookcase.
2. I have been around the world
3. I still like to listen to my bad 80's rock music (sorry Jim)
4. I have 2 tattoos
5. I would like another tattoo and perhaps my nose pierced (sorry mom, and I said I WOULD like..not I AM)
6. I have always wanted twins, a girl and boy named Indya and Everette. (so if anyone knows of a set that need a me)
7. Freshman year in college I won the burping contest during homecoming festivities..against a football player too. (maybe I shouldn't share that one?!)
So anyone reading this if your a blogger consider yourself tagged...and if your not a blogger, well tag to you anyway.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Answer
answer C best fits the almost 3 year olds personality. I would like to add that she is potty trained. I know its crazy! I thought for sure when we started this scary feat of going in the toilet I would have tons of stories to share with my lucky readers. However. My most difficult of children has been by far the easiest to potty train. For a week I just gave her the option of diaper or underwear to get a feel for things and she mostly chose underwear. Opting for a diaper if she knew she was going to have to go. SO when I figured out that little trick we went straight to underwear, even through the night and shes only had about 3 accidents or so in the past 2 weeks (I don't even have to ask the little monster, she just goes in and does her thing like she's been doing it for years, which is great, I like easy!) That even includes a rather long afternoon trip up to the mountains. Which I'll get those cute pictures posted soon...maybe!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Quiz Time
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
9 months old almost 2 months late
The Birthday Party
Last first day of preschool

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mastering the Pincer Grasp.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Where in the world

I'm drowning in a sea of laundry that never diminishes and yes in the back you can see some jars. I have been canning peaches. So there ya go. That's where I am.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Part of the battle is won
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Day of First Grade

Monday, August 11, 2008
Damper Day
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Catch Phrase
Friday, August 8, 2008
And tonights kicker is...
Anyway tonight Emma is heading down the small hallway to the bathroom turns around finds her dad and says something like "dad you need to change the light because it kinda makes me scared when its so dark"
And Jim's witty reply was "Emma I'm trying to teach you courage".
Really Jim... is that really whats going on here? hmmm...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The more you know

Tuesday, July 22, 2008