Saturday, September 8, 2007

Baby Belly

While I seem to have the time to post (wow, thats so rare these days!)

I will post the ever growing baby belly that some of you have been wanting to see!!

By the way this picture was taken up at Trailridge road, so yes, the whole "if you go high in altitude you can go into labor" is a MYTH!

Frog Catching

Actually I think they are toads. But apparently our backyard is home to them on this particular day we counted 8.

Brennons Turn

Finally after 2 years of watching his older sister get to go to a super fun classroom with new toys and activities Brennon gets a turn! His first day of school was Sept 5 and he loved it! Although Miss Jennifer said he wouldn't talk, she only got 2 words out of him, once he was home he had a lot to say. He loved the large bucket filled with water and toys to play in and of course playing outside on the playground.

I tried to get a better picture of him before school but my busy boy would hardly stand still for the one I got!