Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Huntin' For A Tree We Go.

A little disappointing that there wasn't any snow this year.  No need for the sleds, or the winter gear.  However, there really wasn't need for hot chocolate either, which we still had of course.  It is amazing though too how much longer your willing to search for that "perfect" tree.  Also, your more likely to actually find one that is pretty decent when it's not covered in snow making it a little harder to see the bare spots. No matter, we also enjoy spending a day heading up to the hills and getting our tree.  A fun memory I hope my kids will always have.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What October brought

October seems to be the beginning of business for me.  It begins with Addy's birthday.  Then quickly we progress into Dylans birthday.  Followed with Halloween and then it seems we roll our way into the holidays.   Love my kiddos, love that even though making their birthday cakes can sometimes be a very involved process they get something fun that they want.