Friday, December 19, 2008

2 4 months

If I did the counting right that's about what its been for her. She did great though. A little trooper. The doctor was of course late, so we didn't get started until closer to 12:45. Fortunately they had given her a dose of something to relax her so we had a very high Emma to amuse us during that time. If only I had the video camera! So far we are recovering really well. Of course we haven't hit days 5-7. But so far so good.

So in the Nelson household we often tell our kids that God is taking care of them. WELL....Of course Emma according to Addy is "sick". And as Addy informed Memaw God is taking care of Emma. Of course however, today Addy is laying on the couch watching a movie with Emma when Memaw walks in.
"Addy are you taking care of Emma?"
"Yes, I a god".

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


He got glasses. So far about a month of battling,

He's winning.


My friend Renee...3rd place it appears. The cat didn't die, and apparently it was taken by a little whatever, 3rd place is still AWESOME!! doesn't matter all her mean comments some people left her. Wasn't any of you all was it?!?!


My oldest has her 2nd surgery this year. Takes place Thursday at noon. Check in at 10:30.

About 1/2 hour to remove the adenoids and tonsils. Then 2 hours in recovery to make sure there are no complications. We were told that days 5-7 could be the worst of course that's practically Christmas day so please pray for her that she's actually doing EXCELLENT! that day. I'm planning on making green Jello Christmas trees for her dinner...poor kid.


Christmas is almost here so be Happy.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Squirrels and Nuts were the theme of this birthday boys first party. I still can't believe he is 1. And that was over a month ago!

How much I love Renee and the cat needs to die.

Because I looked into the price of taking out a TV ad or a billboard and well it was just to much effort and cash. So here's the best I can do my friend.

My friend Renee has a picture in our local newspaper contest she was one of 30 picked from..well A LOT. The winner gets published front page or something like that. So go cast your 2 votes an hour. Because if you look at the pictures there is a really stupid cat picture that is winning. That's why the cat needs to die.

Good luck Renee!

The link will take you right to this picture of hers and you can do your 2 clicks....every hour all day and all night.....Thank you all!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

They argue, they fight, they hug, they love, they hit, they pinch, they kiss. Yup, their brother and sister. That's my Addy Joy Joy and my Brennon. They also like to do whatever the other one is doing. And really, it doesn't matter usually what that is.

So on with my intriguing story. Let me forewarn some of you its a potty story and it takes place in the public restroom at our local Hobby Lobby store.

After running several errands one evening the entire family of 6 was loudly walking around the aisles of the craft store when the cute little blond exclaims loudly that she has to potty. The tired mommy sighs pulls her out of the cart and starts towards the restroom when the young man accompanying them also states a need to go. Tired mommy rolls her eyes and wonders if the young son really has to or if this is just one of those things. Not wanting any kinds of accidents the three headed off towards the restroom. Once in the restroom the young boy heads into a stall while the mother and girl take the one right next to him.
Addy "I'm going pee"
Brennon "I'm going pee too"
Addy "I have to go poop"
Brennon "I have to go poop too"

Now here is where of course someone enters the restroom and promptly leaves. And of course here is where the conversation goes from normal tone to overly loud.

Addy Grunts
Brennon Grunts
Addy Grunts longer
Brennon Grunts longer
Addy Grunts even LONGER
Brennon Grunts even longer

Addy "my POOPY is COMING"
Brennon "my POOPY is COMING FIRST"

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Day we dressed up...also awhile ago

So we had a plan...a creative themed plan that involved a circus side show theme. However a certain 7 year old insisted she didn't want to take part in it. So after explaining to her I wasn't going to go buy her a costume she sat and tried to come up with something but her ideas involved purchasing some sort of accessory. So she sat for a few moments and suddenly exclaimed that she could be Hanna Montana. She had the wig, she had the sunglasses and well Hanna Montana wears regular clothes so she could just be that and we wouldn't have to buy anything. So as you can see. Our creative circus side show didn't get played out this year. Instead we dug into the dress up bins and I must admit we had a pretty cute cowboy, bear, princess "C'rella". and Yes...even Hanna Montana looked pretty good.

The pumpkins we made...awhile ago

Emma carved hers to be scary...she did a great job!
Dylan discovered the knife and was attempting to carve his own. But then daddy helped him make a silly one.

Brennon made his with a bunch of eyes so it could see.

And Daddy helped Addy to make hers a cute one.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It is all my fault

Yesterdays conversation with Brennon went something like this...

wow Brennon, (while eating lunch) I didn't know you could reach on top of the counter to get the napkins

Yup, I just step on the drawers and get up there.

hmm..maybe that's the reason my drawers are broken ya think?

Yup, That's because you guys always forget the napkins.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

October 14, 2008

This little boy of mine started walking, now of course thats all he wants to do. Do you think he has much time for snuggles on mommy's shoulder anymore? Not really, when he gets hurt or just before bed. Otherwise he's on the go..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

October 16, 2008

Remember I said we went to the mountains for a photo shoot? Well here is my beautiful, determined, obstinate, sometimes (okay a LOT of times) defiant, loving and caring, full of spunk and spark 3 year old.

We celebrated not on Thursday her birthday, we (Jim and I) had a softball game to play. However on Friday when the GRANDparents arrived we enjoyed fine dinning at Chuck E. Cheese. Where a kid CAN be a kid. And Adults too...They have a fun Deal or No Deal Game...Anyway...

Happy Birthday Addy Joy Joy! Your mama loves you!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I've been Tagged

Thank you Sarah

My 7 weird and Random Facts...(this is hard since I'm so UN-weird and random!)

1. I had a cyst removed from my head and it still sits in a jar on my bookcase.

2. I have been around the world

3. I still like to listen to my bad 80's rock music (sorry Jim)

4. I have 2 tattoos

5. I would like another tattoo and perhaps my nose pierced (sorry mom, and I said I WOULD like..not I AM)

6. I have always wanted twins, a girl and boy named Indya and Everette. (so if anyone knows of a set that need a me)

7. Freshman year in college I won the burping contest during homecoming festivities..against a football player too. (maybe I shouldn't share that one?!)

So anyone reading this if your a blogger consider yourself tagged...and if your not a blogger, well tag to you anyway.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Answer

Dear positive Renee. I wish it were only true. How I need to make it to a park day and perhaps it would be, however...
answer C best fits the almost 3 year olds personality. I would like to add that she is potty trained. I know its crazy! I thought for sure when we started this scary feat of going in the toilet I would have tons of stories to share with my lucky readers. However. My most difficult of children has been by far the easiest to potty train. For a week I just gave her the option of diaper or underwear to get a feel for things and she mostly chose underwear. Opting for a diaper if she knew she was going to have to go. SO when I figured out that little trick we went straight to underwear, even through the night and shes only had about 3 accidents or so in the past 2 weeks (I don't even have to ask the little monster, she just goes in and does her thing like she's been doing it for years, which is great, I like easy!) That even includes a rather long afternoon trip up to the mountains. Which I'll get those cute pictures posted soon...maybe!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quiz Time

This exhausted child fell asleep in her mommy's arms because of :

A: An entire day spent playing outside and no nap
B: Poor helpless little thing is plagued by a virus
C: Passed out from a 4 hour tantrum

Confession time

I like Spanish music. Yup. Don't understand much of it, but sometimes I like it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Its been 9 years.
And I still kinda like ya.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 months old almost 2 months late

Here's the 9 month picture I took. Yeah he's a cutie pie.
And Yes October 1st he has his first eye appointment.

The Birthday Party

Talk about bringing up the past. This is from July before Emma's eye surgery we did her birthday party. It was messy art day complete with Tie-Dying and decorating your own cupcakes. Fun. Yup. Fun. Really Really Fun.

Last first day of preschool

Because next year he starts kindergarten.
Yeah, he's looking a little mischievous.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Emma lost her first tooth. Dylan has taken his first steps. Addy has exhausted her mommy's patience. Brennon has smelled his friends shoes (well they had to compare to see whose was the stinkiest).New Haircut for the shoe smelling boy.

Mastering the Pincer Grasp.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where in the world

I know your all wondering whats happened to me. I am sure you've been anxiously awaiting that next blog..."What is going on in that crazy nelson household, I am sure Brennon has started preschool, I am sure Dylan has done something amazing, Emma must be enjoying school..right?, And Addy well she must have done something obnoxious and or embarrassing but where is the blogging about it all?" Well, people your right and I'll get to all that soon. And I apologize for leaving you in such painful and yearning agony. But let me sum up this week with a picture.
I'm drowning in a sea of laundry that never diminishes and yes in the back you can see some jars. I have been canning peaches. So there ya go. That's where I am.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


If a 2 year old is pretending her watermelon seed is her baby, its a good idea to go along with it. If the 2 year old wants a cheerio to give to her watermelon seed baby, its a good idea to give it to her.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Part of the battle is won

So my dear friend Renee, I was beginning to think I should take one of your sons to switch out my light bulb. Until, well, I WON I WON I WON!!! WHOOHOOO...Yup, Jim changed the light bulb. He finally reached up with those overly long arms of his, gave me a "look" and completed the task. Therefore, the light bulb in the hallway is working. Well, I should say the light bulb in the upstairs hallway is working. The light bulb in the downstairs hallway is now burned out. Oh and in the boys bedroom. Hmmmmm maybe I will need to give you a call.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of First Grade

4 pkgs #2 pencils sharpened
1 box 24 crayola crayons
1 zipper pencil pouch or pencil box
2 pink pearl erasers
1 pr small fiskar round tip scissors
2-2 pocket vinyl folders
1 spiral notebook (wide ruled)
6 glue sticks
2 large boxes of Kleenex
1 box snack (monthly)
6 reams white photocopy paper per student
2 bottles of Elmer's school Glue
1 large roll paper towels
1 box Clorox wipes
A-L 1 box Gallon size zip lock baggies
M-Z 1 box sandwich size zip lock baggies
1 ruler with inches and centimeters
1 box of antibacterial wipes
$9 for weekly reader subscription and technology fee
$10 per child or $20 per family security fee
*1 box 24 crayola crayons (for art class)

And most importantly.....a beautiful sweet little girl to go with all of that!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Damper Day

Emma starts school next Wednesday. Dylan is working on 2 more teeth. I haven't posted his latest and greatest pictures. I haven't posted Emma's birthday pics either. But really the damper is this...have you noticed its getting darker earlier?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Catch Phrase

So I am sure you've all heard it. But now I'm using it. The other night while watching the TV I saw an add for an upcoming new show. I wasn't completely paying attention until I heard the girl say "I'm a trophy wife". I had to laugh and now I'm claiming it. So if I meet someone new and they ask. Or if I feel witty enough to actually place it in writing if the need ever arises. I am saying/writing "I'm a trophy wife". Yeah I have some dents and scratches. Often times food particles from a young child wiped on me. My shiny gleam reflecting more fingerprints then the on lookers image. I may be less of a trophy and more of an old tin can. Perhaps I prefer to be the tin can. I can imagine it has more uses then the trophy. I would prefer to give a drink to the thirsty. A home to a plant. Anything rather then just sit there and look pretty. Who am I kidding? Who wants to actually SAY I am a tin can. Nah, I'll stick with the trophy wife phrase.

Friday, August 8, 2008

And tonights kicker is...

So Jim and I have had the fun poking at each other argument over the light in the hallway. What I am saying is, the light bulb in the hallway needs to be changed. Its been burnt out now for well over a month. I'll do something like go to turn on the light switch out of habit and of course nothing. So then I'll be obnoxious flicker the switch super fast and make a face at my husband and groan. To which he will reply. "well, get your stool and change it" (because I am so short and he apparently specially handpicked and purchased a nice stool which sits unused in my laundry room, that's a whole other issue). My argument on the other hand is mostly that he can just reach up and do it. That and the fear of a dead bug falling out on me from pulling off the cover is more than I want to deal with.

Anyway tonight Emma is heading down the small hallway to the bathroom turns around finds her dad and says something like "dad you need to change the light because it kinda makes me scared when its so dark"

And Jim's witty reply was "Emma I'm trying to teach you courage".
Really Jim... is that really whats going on here? hmmm...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The more you know

S is for Snake. A prairie rattle snake is still a rattle snake even without its rattle. A prairie rattle snake is a poisonous rattle snake. Once someone (me) is told to come look at the snake husband found in the backyard, they (me) are not so likely to venture out there again. At least until its time to build snowmen. And even then my irrational brain will still tell me to be on the lookout.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We arrived at 7:45 am. by 9:30 emma was wheeled through the double door, her tiny little self on a big bed wide awake and holding on to her precious "piggy". We were told we couldn't be with her when they put her under the anesthesia. That was about the only time I saw her look afraid. She did super well. I told you I sometimes under estimate her strength. And wow, did I ever. This little girl of mine has not shed a single tear over her eye surgery or pain. She has not complained to us once about it. The most she has said so far was in the middle of the night last night when daddy woke her to give her some medicine. She simple whispered "daddy they hurt". Of course they hurt, her eye has been cut into, a muscle cut and stitched back into place. Of course they hurt my sweet little girl, and I am so very sorry. The hardest part at this point in time is the thick goopy medicine that has to be applied 3x a day. That she'll cry over.
That I would cry over. Thank you all for your prayers. We have all felt them. We have all needed them.