Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who Done it?

It is October, time for a good mystery.
"Hey Brennon, would you run downstairs and get my camera for me, please don't play with it, just bring it up here".

Time goes by. I wait patiently. I wait patiently. I wait patiently.

"Brennon? come on!"

"I'm coming just a sec"

Shorter amount of time goes by.


Then a couple weeks go by, and I start to review my photos. There are actually a couple of dozen random shots of walls, ceilings, dog, toys, and other such objects. I wonder exactly who did this? Hmm... I will keep these photos and I will scrapbook them, and someday my son and I will laugh about it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ears, everybody should have 2.

Well, it's true, everyone should have 2. Not that I am going to dwell on that subject matter or the percentage of people out there who do not have 2. My science professor had a fake one. Said he liked to put it on backwards sometimes just for kicks. Still not sure how to take that one.

Anyway: At the ripe old age of 10 Emma has decided that maybe she would be okay with getting hers pierced. It has taken a long time for her to come to that decision. I have always told her what they did and that it was up to her whenever she felt ready for them. I love that it has taken her this long, just goes to show her independence. Addy on the other hand has pretty much always wanted them. At least since she gained enough verbal skills to communicate that with me. Well, we did it. We let them both go get them done and they both ended up with the same little pink flowers. They both did great! I know however that when they can start changing them out Addy will probably change them hourly, to coordinate with that hours outfit. Yup, that will be fun.