Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sundays list of 5

1 great idea to go walk around the sculpture park

2 feet per person to walk around on

3 kiddos running, not walking on those feet

4 minutes total time spent at the park before Brennon fell and had 4 nice cuts in his head

5 stitches to close up those cuts

Friday, April 18, 2008

wasting time

Today Addy, Dylan and I are sitting in the van waiting for Emma to get done with school when Addy yells at me she has a booger.

"MOM, I got a booger, need a tissue"

The tissue is quickly handed back to the 2 year old to take care of her crisis

"MOM, I like my booger"
"You like your booger"
"MOM, I LIKE my booger"
"Yes, addy I heard you, you LIKE your booger"
"Oh, you LICKED, your booger"


"Brennon here is your clothes"
"MOM, these are little underwears, I don't like little underwears"
"Brennon, those aren't little, there just your size"
"but mom, I like the big underwears"

Let me interject here and explain that to Brennon the little underwear are briefs, the big underwear are the boxer briefs. And all his underwear have characters on them either Thomas or Cars

"well why don't you like your little ones they have Thomas on them"
"because they hurt my bottom"
"that's because you wear them backwards"
"but that's because I want to see him"

Friday, April 11, 2008

What you get for getting old

How do you celebrate a mans 31st birthday. Really, what do you give a man who has everything, and by everything I mean, a wonderful wife who puts up with him. 4 kids who can yell and scream and drive him crazy? A never ending flow of trash that he needs to take out. Oh and a litter box that has become his chore to clean. What should he get for all that???
A night away at a Rockies game of course!! and check out these seats!! were talking row 23 close people, that's not just my excellent zoom feature on the old canon there!

just hold on there now...

What? I've already had this little sack of sweetness for almost half a year already?! no way~he can't be...well I guess he is almost 6 months...but why does it have to go so fast, and the bigger question, why isn't he sleeping through the night?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Defiance is

a certain 4 year old boy staring me down with a pair of scissors in one hand and his hair in the other. I say "Brennon don't cut your hair" and the reply comes "oh yes I am" and snip, a clump of hair in the hand. "but its okay mom, I'll throw it in the trash". Now that's my definition of defiance for today.

Yup its true

Creative Memory Albums are water proof, or from my experience pee proof. That's right I said pee. My little Addy Joy just happened to be sitting on my table next to my album when she peed all over the place. So in case your wondering, its true.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Need I say more?


What a week I have had. What a wonderfully blessed week! First Monday started out with a 2 year old throwing a complete temper tantrum in target. It started the moment we walked in the doors. But since the 5 month old only had 1 clean diaper left and that was on him, we had no choice but to be there. By the time we reached the parking lot I was about ready to throw a tantrum of my own when suddenly I realized that just across the street was a Starbucks. (of course there was right?!) Anyway, I also realized that I had just enough cash in the old wallet to indulge myself. So mommy tantrum was quickly averted. I placed my order and as I reached the window and was being handed my delightful little treat I was told that the super nice lady in front of me had paid for my order!! Yup, that's right, there are still super nice people in this world. Apparently someone had done it for her so she was paying it back, or forward, however that goes. What a treat! What a super nice sweet blessed treat!!! Talk about timing and making my day! So now its my turn to return that to someone else someday. But wait, the blessings haven't stopped there, oh no. This was just Monday, we made it to Thursday and by the time last night arrived I was exhausted, were talking fall asleep at the wheel, need a vacation exhausted. But I had MOPS, I had to be there, So I went, and while I was there I got engaged in a conversation with another mommy whom I have known and spoke with but never really have gotten to know. Anyway, she had just received this wonderful scallop punch from Stamp'in up that I have admired for a long time now. And yup, you've probably guessed it, she gave it to me. Of course I declined, she insisted, I declined, she insisted. We played out that scenario for a little while. Before she really insisted and said "take the blessing". So I did. I am sure God is teaching me a lesson here somewhere, I just need to ponder on it awhile and figure it out!

4 years old

Well we finally got around to taking his "official" 4 year old picture. We got them out at my grandparents farm by some really cool looking old twisted trees. Of course the day was cold and windy but he was a good sport and we got a couple good shots.

I wonder

I wonder what people think when I drag my 4 year old son around town looking like this?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Strange things...

I walked into the toy room the other day to find my two oldest children sitting on the couch licking the bottom of their feet.