Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Fairy Princess Tea Party

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Addelyn. This little girl was about to turn 4. She wanted a fairy princess tea party. The mom was delighted, for all little girls should have some sort of princess party. The mom of course gets to decorate and prepare.

This mom in particular had visions of flowers, wands, wings, tutus, and tiaras, of course all wrapped up in pastel colored tulle. The mom got busy making purple, pink and white tutus tied around purple ribbon with accents of bells to make dancing more fun! Of course finding the perfect tiara at any party good store was tricky. So this mom pulled out her creative cap, some flowers and headbands, the trusty hot glue gun and added accents of sparkly gems for dew drops. As luck would have it this particular birthday girl has her birthday in a month that delights in costumes. So lucky mom stumbled across wings at a local dollar store. Smart and thrifty this mom is! The ordinary living room turned into a pink and purple party room.

The fairy princess cake was prepared and decorated the night before. Or maybe the morning of. Depending on how you view 12:30 am. Purple with polka dots and topped with sparkly sprinkles.

The food was prepared, the table was set, a tea party prepared for 5 beautiful princesses.
The princesses dinned on a light lunch complete with chocolate covered strawberries.
They ate a quiet peaceful lunch, then danced with balloons and ring around the rosie. They played with new toys. And of course as with any type of birthday party. They nibbled cake and ice cream.

We had a Twirl Happy Time!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Rock

Well, we had the big Tenth anniversary back in September and I had been harassing him about my big diamond rock. Right, I mean every tenth anniversary should be a diamond something, a large diamond something. Well, he gave me a rock.A mountain size rock. I have to tease, its in my nature. We had a really nice hike. We hiked Deer Mountain which is over 10,000 feet. Not bad for us since we never get to do these things. Typically when and if we go hiking we have 4 kids in tow. We made it to the top and of course, it was beautiful. No, more like stunning. And Jim, we can have these kinds of ROCKS anytime. Of course you can still start saving for the next big anniversary. by next big anniversary I am thinking of the eleventh one. :)

A week

A week is long. A week with kiddos getting the wonderful SWINE flue is really long. Its not much fun when you have a living room full of winter clothes and gear that you were going to sort and get ready for the cold weather coming. The kids enjoy throwing it downstairs. Which leaves a nice pile of laundry. Of course when this fun project gets started thats when the H1N1 starts to kick in. *sigh*. laundry upon laundry of winter stuff. Add to that laundry upon laundry of sick germ stuff. Yeah, the week is long. At least that was like 2 weeks ago. Laundry got caught up...then behind again. And next I post the wonderful party that was Addy's birthday. Or perhaps the 10th anniversary photos? hmmmm...

Oh and Jim and I are wondering why the Red Barron Pizza guy looks like Tom Selleck?