Sunday, October 26, 2008

I've been Tagged

Thank you Sarah

My 7 weird and Random Facts...(this is hard since I'm so UN-weird and random!)

1. I had a cyst removed from my head and it still sits in a jar on my bookcase.

2. I have been around the world

3. I still like to listen to my bad 80's rock music (sorry Jim)

4. I have 2 tattoos

5. I would like another tattoo and perhaps my nose pierced (sorry mom, and I said I WOULD like..not I AM)

6. I have always wanted twins, a girl and boy named Indya and Everette. (so if anyone knows of a set that need a me)

7. Freshman year in college I won the burping contest during homecoming festivities..against a football player too. (maybe I shouldn't share that one?!)

So anyone reading this if your a blogger consider yourself tagged...and if your not a blogger, well tag to you anyway.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Answer

Dear positive Renee. I wish it were only true. How I need to make it to a park day and perhaps it would be, however...
answer C best fits the almost 3 year olds personality. I would like to add that she is potty trained. I know its crazy! I thought for sure when we started this scary feat of going in the toilet I would have tons of stories to share with my lucky readers. However. My most difficult of children has been by far the easiest to potty train. For a week I just gave her the option of diaper or underwear to get a feel for things and she mostly chose underwear. Opting for a diaper if she knew she was going to have to go. SO when I figured out that little trick we went straight to underwear, even through the night and shes only had about 3 accidents or so in the past 2 weeks (I don't even have to ask the little monster, she just goes in and does her thing like she's been doing it for years, which is great, I like easy!) That even includes a rather long afternoon trip up to the mountains. Which I'll get those cute pictures posted soon...maybe!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quiz Time

This exhausted child fell asleep in her mommy's arms because of :

A: An entire day spent playing outside and no nap
B: Poor helpless little thing is plagued by a virus
C: Passed out from a 4 hour tantrum

Confession time

I like Spanish music. Yup. Don't understand much of it, but sometimes I like it.